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Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Évora : Publicações do Cidehus,

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O livro aqui apresentado resulta do trabalho iniciado em 2016 no workshop realizado em torno do tema "Desigualdades" no âmbito do Projeto Âncora do CIDEHUS. Reúne trabalhos de vários autores, caraterizando-se pela diversidade de olhares sobre a temática. Pretende assim contribuir para um debate alargado e multidisciplinar sobre as questões da desigualdade, trazendo para este diálogo não só a história como outras disciplinas. Num tempo em que se discutem os impactos sociais da Pandemia COVID 19 e a forma desigual como ela atinge populações e grupos específicos, este é um tema cujo debate, hoje como ontem, está envolvido em urgência científica e humanitária.



Diskriminierung erlebt?! : Diskriminierungserfahrungen in Sachsen
Year: 2023 Publisher: Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG,

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Diversity management : nuove frontiere dell’inclusione e sfide per i C.U.G. universitari
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Napoli, Italy : FedOA - Federico II University Press,

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Un altro tassello del Progetto Trotula avviato oramai da diversi anni dal Comitato Unico di Garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni (C.U.G.) dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II: dopo il Convegno Nazionale che ha riunito gli Organismi di Parità universitari di tutta Italia, organizzato a dicembre 2019, ne pubblichiamo ora gli Atti, che abbiamo voluto fossero tempestivi, data la stringente attualità dei temi, alcuni dei quali (come ad esempio il lavoro a distanza o l’impegno profuso in ambito sanitario) persino cruciali nell’emergenza Covid-19, che stiamo affrontando.Consci che si tratta soltanto di un primo passo nello svolgimento di un percorso che sarà lungo, siamo felici di presentare qui le tante voci di una Comunità universitaria – che si interroga con il territorio sulle diverse modulazioni della cultura delle differenze, attuali e future – serie, pronte, appassionate, consapevoli.


Discrimination --- Congresses

Comparative perspectives on gender equality in Japan and Norway : same but different?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Taylor & Francis,

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"This book compares perspectives on gender equality and diversity in Norway and Japan, focusing on family, education, media and technology, sexuality and reproduction, and literature as seen through a gendered lens. What can we learn from a comparison between two countries who stand in significant contrast to each other with respect to gender equality? Norway and Japan differ in terms of historical, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Most importantly, Japan lags far behind Norway when it comes to the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Report. Rather than taking a narrow approach which takes as its starting point the assumption that Norway has so much "more" to offer in terms of gender equality, the authors attempt to show that a comparative perspective of two countries in the West and East can be of mutually benefit to both contexts in the advancement of gender equality. The interdisciplinary team of researchers contributing to this book cover a range of contemporary topics in gender equality and diversity including; fatherhood and masculinity, teaching and learning in Gender Studies education, cultural depictions of gender, technology, trans experiences and feminism. This unique collection is suitable for researchers and students in gender studies, sociology, Japan Studies and European Studies"--

Racism and ethnic inequality in a time of crises : findings from the evidence for equality national survey
Year: 2023 Publisher: Bristol : Policy Press,

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ePUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book examines how and why experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Britain varied according to ethnicity. Drawing from the Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS), the book compares the experiences of ethnic and religious minority groups and White British people in work and finances, housing and communities, health and wellbeing, policing and politics, and racism and discrimination in Britain. Using unrivalled data in terms of population and topic coverage and complete with bespoke graphics, contributors present new evidence of ethnic inequalities and racism, opening them up to debate as crucial social concerns. Written by leading international experts in the field, this is a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary ethnic inequalities and racism, from academics and policymakers to voluntary and community sector organisations.


Racism --- Discrimination

Comparative Perspectives on Gender Equality in Japan and Norway : Same but different?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1003185223 1000528405 1032027797 Year: 2021 Publisher: London : Routledge,

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This book compares perspectives on gender equality in Norway and Japan, focusing on family, education, media, and sexuality and reproduction as seen through a gendered lens. What can we learn from a comparison between two countries who stand in significant contrast to each other with respect to gender equality? Norway and Japan differ in terms of historical, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Most importantly, Japan lags far behind Norway when it comes to the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Report. Rather than taking a narrow approach that takes as its starting point the assumption that Norway has so much 'more' to offer in terms of gender equality, the authors attempt to show that a comparative perspective of two countries in the West and East can be of mutually benefit to both contexts in the advancement of gender equality. The interdisciplinary team of researchers contributing to this book cover a range of contemporary topics in gender equality, including fatherhood and masculinity, teaching and learning in gender studies education, cultural depictions of gender, trans experiences and feminism. This unique collection is suitable for researchers and students of gender studies, sociology, anthropology, Japan studies and European studies.

Recht und Diversität : Lokale Konstellationen und globale Perspektiven von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Bielefeld : transcript Verlag,

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Paralleljustiz, Antidiskriminierungsgesetze, Rechtstransfer - das Thema »Recht und Diversität« verbindet unterschiedlichste aktuelle Diskussionen und erweist sich als zentral für den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit Differenz und Gleichheit. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes - aus der Geschichts- und Rechtswissenschaft sowie den Jüdischen Studien - rücken dieses Thema in eine historische Perspektive und nehmen Konstellationen und Umgangsweisen mit Rechtsvielfalt von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart in den Blick. Beleuchtet werden Situationen des Kulturkontakts und des interreligiösen Zusammenlebens sowie global agierende Akteur*innen und Organisationen in Europa, Asien, den Amerikas und Afrika.

Religion in der Schule : Pädagogische Praxis zwischen Diskriminierung und Anerkennung
Year: 2020 Publisher: Bielefeld, Germany : transcript Verlag,

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Vom Religionsunterricht und Kopftüchern über Prüfungen am Schabbat und Sport während des Ramadan bis hin zu antisemitischem Mobbing und antimuslimischer Diskriminierung - Religion kommt in der Schule schon deshalb vor, weil religiöse Menschen in der Schule lernen, lehren und leben. Um den Unterricht und das Schulleben gut und gerecht für alle zu gestalten, bedarf es interdisziplinärer Reflexionen, in denen unterschiedliche Erfahrungen aus der Praxis ebenso wie wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zusammengeführt werden. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes liefern hierzu eine umfassende und multiperspektivische Analyse.

La Tunisie mosaïque
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2810708428 2858164983 Year: 2019 Publisher: Toulouse : Presses universitaires du Midi,

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La société tunisienne des années 1850-1950 présente le double aspect d'une mosaïque culturelle à la brillante pluralité et d'un système qui se retrouve faussé par les discriminations inhérentes au monde colonial. Dans cette mosaïque où tous les éléments balancent entre acculturation et défense de leur spécificité sociale et culturelle, chaque individu et chaque communauté sont conduits à une véritable archéologie de leur identité et à une continuelle réélaboration de leur histoire. Les études exposées dans ce livre pluridisciplinaire synthétisent des recherches antérieures et ouvrent des perspectives nouvelles ; leur diversité et leur complémentarité permettent de percevoir l'exceptionnelle richesse de la mosaïque sociale dans la Tunisie des années 1850-1950.

Spielräume der Ordnungen: Empirische Ergebnisse und erziehungswissenschaftliche Reflexionen zu theaterpädagogischen Settings mit 'neu zugewanderten Kindern‘
ISBN: 3847419366 3847430009 Year: 2023 Publisher: Verlag Barbara Budrich

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The study explores the topic of migration - in the sense of living together, the interpretation of foreign worlds and the collective development of meaning - from an aesthetic-theatrical perspective. How are social orders shaped in theatre pedagogical settings with children in the context of flight and migration? Within the framework of a videography, the author develops an analytical procedure that makes it possible to do justice to the specific nature of aesthetic-theatrical play situations. The results show the way in which imagination is linked to the creation of social orders.

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